Tuesday, December 6, 2011

When will I learn...

Quick funny - Last night, I had plans of me opening the Advent Activity card for the kids that read "Stamp and mail Christmas Cards!". I imagined the kids being so excited about sending "mail" and taking cute pictures and many smiles and more memories.  HA!  Back to reality...

I was tired when I got home because I had been out looking for a dress for the third time for the party this weekend, it was freezing cold outside, and we also had to go right after work and buy Shane a couple new suits.  Anyone that has gone suit shopping with a couple kids (Claire was in dance so we only had the littles) and taking care of that additional child that cannot pick out a suit on his own, you know it is a good time :).

By the time I opened the card, the kids were giddy.  I read it to them and Claire says "Seriously, you are going to make us stamp your cards?". Owen says "What's that?" and Bree...well she was still pissed because we did not stop for Krispy Kremes earlier when we were out. 

Stamping the Christmas cards was quite the event.  Claire and Owen fought over who got to stamp more, which meant many crooked stamps and Owen barely made it on the envelope on some...and me not paying attention to B and finding her "decorating" a few envelopes with stamps.  It was over in about 3 minutes and off then went to bed or destroy something else :).  They were also arguing over who would get to put the cards in the mailbox in the morning...

I fixed all the cards and laughed at myself for not thinking that one out.  It will definitely be a memory, that is for sure.  I will never forget this for sure...and I am pretty sure I will do this again next year.  Sometimes, we need memories like these too :)

This morning we woke up to snow on the ground!  Not a lot, just enough to be pretty and to make us all late for school and work.  The kids agreed to take a picture in front of the mailbox and it cracked me up and made up for all the chaos...look how thrilled they look :)...

Last - Fangle got himself in a jam last night :)
Memory making, that is for sure!  


Brandi said...

Too funny!!! KIDS!! HEHE!!

Kelly said...

Love that Elf pic, too funny

Your kids are too sweet

Send the snow down here to La =)

Taylor said...

This cracks me up!! And I can't wait to get the card!! :)

Maria said...

Gotta love shopping for tha additional child! Which reminds me, he needs suit pants too. Dang!
And I need to send out our cards ASAP! Glad you are on track :)