I am blogging and holding a passed out Bree. I am blogging from my kitchen desk as my wireless will not work and I have to plug in. I am literally holding my breath for some random bottle of ketchup to explode or a drink to spill all over my company computer as that has been my luck lately. But I digress....I am holding a passed out, snubbing, Bree...
Bree will NOT sleep in her bed. She just cried and threw a fit for two hours, holding out and refusing to sleep in her bed for her nap. No joke, TWO HOURS!!! Now she would have napped on me or even in the floor for a bit on a blanket, but no way will she sleep in that fenced in contraption we call a crib. She threw her blanket out of the bed, along with her beloved paci. Everyone kept telling me and I knew from my prior experience with two stubborn little people, "Just let her cry it out a couple times, it is all in habit.". Yeah...not so much with B. I have never seen anything like it. Claire and O would give it up at the longest 45min, but not Bree. Lately at night, we have to tip toe her up the stairs after she has literally, mouth open, heavy breathing, limp arms, passed out on us (you know the sleep state of that), and then ever so gently place her in bed without her realizing she is actually in the trap of a bed. Then she wakes up by 2am, and refusing to go back to sleep. We tried letting her cry it out at night, but after 30 min and all three kids up, Owen bawling bc we would not let him eat hot dogs and cheetos at 3am, and Claire mad as hell bc her beauty sleep was interrupted, we resorted to just letting her, peacefully sleep with us in our bed. Now she is peaceful, sweating on me and having a good hold of of my hair and usually Shane's nose or chin. You can only imagine how much beautiful, sound sleep we have then. By 7am when the alarm is going off, Shane is sleeping through it as he is beyond exhausted from nursing the claw marks in his nose all night, I am punching him in the back (while trying to not wake grabby baby between us) to get him to turn it off before she wakes up, oh how you can feel the love in that bed :). Never fails though, as soon as the alarm goes off, Owen wakes up, comes downstairs, bringing us said bag of cheetos, and comes into the room, loudly asks for it to be opened and we are ALL awake.
So this afternoon, we were going to cry it out, get over this "habit" and finally start getting some sleep. Maybe, Mama be able to get some work done while she hopefully naps. WRONG-O!!! Even after three kids, things still surprise me :). Oh well, I will catch up on my sleep eventually...
On another note, Owen is officially potty trained!!! Will NOT put a diaper back on and slept in underwear last night! So proud of him and if you would have told me that was going to happen 2 weeks ago, I would have called you crazy!! Wait...then does that mean she will be sleeping in her bed all night and 2 hours a day in a couple weeks??? We will see, one thing is for sure, we never know! Gotta go....sleeping beauty just woke up and I have re-written this paragraph twice as she is trying to beat on my keyboard....in the kitchen, where I am waiting on Owen to dump pudding all over the keyboard as he is running back and forth teasing the dogs with it...
Happy Tuesday!!!
Life Lately: Week 7
4 days ago
I just have to comment...Ellie has been going nuts lately too. She sleeps in her bed, but she is a cranky not fun baby all of ths sudden. The terrible 1's?
I do think that age 12 to 24 months is just the worst. They start the fit throwing, independence stuff, can't communicate, etc. I was about to throw in the towel on the whole motherhood thing yesterday when I realized she has FOUR teeth coming in on top. Then I felt sorry for her and had something to blame it all on! I have absolutely no advice, just hang in there I guess!
My little Ty was screaming too and wouldn't stop. So, he ended up being our bed buddy. It was sooo horrible. Then, my hubs and I went on vacay and my mom trained him to sleep in his bed... crazy!! When we got home, all I had to do was say, "Get your binky and get in bed." And he would do it!!! CRAZY!!! Life is so much better now!! I'll send my mom to your house. HEHE!!!! Oh, good job Owen with potty training!!!!! Awesome!
Oh, girlie, I always hated having to make them "cry it out." It's torture! I hope things get better for you soon! Good thing she's so darn cute! Makes it easier to put up with her naughtiness! :-)
I bet CIO would be really hard when you have more than one kid! Maybe a slumber party is in order for the older kids:)
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