Claire was asleep already, but Owen was still up in rare form. Shane was in the kitchen starting the wind-down process, when Owen came to him with his baseball (over sized stuffed one) and a sock. Shane did not know for sure where he was going with it, but he had an idea and was right. Owen gave Shane the ball and put the sock on his right hand (he is left handed) and was using it as a mitt! Now, we have told yall all about his love for football, really his obsession with the sport. Of course Shane loves that he loves football so much (his Poppy too), but he never forced it on him and Owen lives and breathes it! Football has been the extent of Owen's sports fanatics as far as we knew. Baseball has barely been Shane was floored when O figured this out tonight. Shane said "When I think about Claire's brain, I think of tons of wheels, cogs and clocks just constantly moving. When I think of O's I think of balls being thrown back in forth with mitts and goals." =) So of course we broke out the camera for some shots of "sock baseball" =)!
Apparently Oscar Chang loves baseball too =)!
Throw it me up here!! Once they played for a bit, Shane went and got Owen's first baseball mitt upstairs (persuaded by me as it is late, but this seemed like the perfect opportunity). Shane's office gave it to us a baby gift before O was born. I remember looking at it thinking he would never be big enough to use it!! We were waiting to give it to him until he knew what it was....Daddy showing how it was a right hand glove, but we managed =)LOVE IT!! (excuse the dirty house)Figured it out! Got his pitcher stance and stare =)Playing catch with Daddy!
I know that he is my sweet boy and I am impressed, but hey it made for a fun end to the the little baller is falling asleep on Daddy...with his mitt still on =)!!