Today is Claire's last day of summer, well before she starts school. This was our last week day to eat
Chicfila together for lunch (at least until Christmas break), her last day to take short naps on the couch while watching
Spongebob or play outside in the afternoon while Owen naps. She is officially going to grow up and mature so much over the next few weeks and she will really never be the same. She is entering a world of so much responsibility and change, I can hardly believe it!! We are so proud of her!! Owen is not going to know what in the world is going on without his big sister around to torment =).
I did drag them out of bed early this morning to go to Nonna's so I could go to my
appt at the hospital (that is a post in itself, appt at 8:30, did not leave until after 10am and they did not have the right date, time, etc for my c section, and I think I learned probably more than I needed about c sections =)) this is what they are choosing to do this afternoon...

...just laying around
hopefully taking a nap =)!!

I know that is what this tired Mama wants to would to if you were carrying this watermelon =)!

I am so worn out and am counting the hours until Friday at 9am! Shane has been such a huge help! He took the kids to the driving range last night (apparently Claire has quite the swing and you know Owen has a blast there) so I could have some peace to rest. Tonight he is doing some grocery shopping for us before the baby comes. I don't know what I would do without him. All while I am beyond exhausted, he has been getting the kids down and bathed every night early so Claire is prepared for school nights, all by himself. On top of everything, he is swamped with work to get ahead to take off all next week to be home the first week Bree is home. Love this man so much!!!!
Tomorrow we will have first day of school pictures!! Time is just flying by!!! Happy Tuesday!!!! T minus 2 days, 20 hours, 30 minutes.....=)
Enjoy the last day of summer! C-sections can be overwhelming! Just don't look at anything in the operating room, that's the best advice I can give! Praying Claire does great tomorrow, you look great!
It's my last day of summer, too. Chic Fil A is a good ending though.
i know that big belly is definitely in the way and i can't imagine how exhausted you are!!! you look great, though! i can't wait to see pictures on friday! best of luck. i'll keep you and your family in my prayers!
I cant believe how teeny tiny the belly make the rest of your body look! Hope all goes well
Can't wait to see baby Bree, I hope everything is easy breezy Fri, I'll be thinking about you all! Love ya!
PS-please tell Claire we said good luck with her 1st day of KG, big step! :)
I'm sure that carrying that watermelon around is exhausting, but you look great!
WOW! I cannot believe it has been 9 mos already! You look beautiful!
What are we going to do without our "Chicken-la" partner?!!! I cannot believe this day has come, I AM NOT ready to give up Clairebear, this all happened way too soon! I know we have to let her go, but hey, can we home school her?=)
gosh 2 days and there will be another brown baby! so exciting! I agree with mom, lets just home school claire. I dont know what im going to do without my sleepover buddy!
you look great! I can't BELIEVE she will be here so soon! I'm so excited for you guys and all the pics!! :)
Oh my goodness, you look beautiful! ;) I can't wait to meet Bree- see you this week! ;)
Rachel...I feel like I have been so out of the loop with you because...well...I have been! I asked B how you were doing this past week and I realized you were a week away from Bree being here.
I cannot tell you how happy I am for you and Shane and your whole family. I cant wait to see her. I cant wait to visit Seth's house in Arkansas and see you all.
All in all I am sorry for being out of touch and not commenting more. Just know that I think of you often and am praying for a very safe and healthy Bree delivery.
You look great! I bet you are exhausted! Kudos to your hubby for all his help, that is wonderful! Can't wait for pics of little Miss Bree!
I'm so excited for you girl! You look great, I know you probably don't feel it, but you DO! I also was wondering if anyone has a meal schedule for you??? I def want to bring your fam a meal once baby is here!
Oh Rachel! You look far better than I did at 9 months!
Good luck to Claire today! I can't imagine all the emotions that this week will/is bring(ing) for you! You're a great mommy!
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