Well last week on Wednesday we had another Dr's appt. I had not dilated anymore, but I have thinned out quite a bit. Dr. H told me that Bree is still moving way too much, still head down, but she is moving up and down causing me to contract with not much dilation =(. So in other words, little butterball is killing me without progressing!!! (Owen did the same exact thing, so this is no surprise) So just imagine a 6lb (or bigger, not sure) kiddo bouncing up and down inside you, good times I tell you =). He pretty much told me to seriously take it easy and just prepare for the 20th...not the 21st. They changed my C-section date to the 20th from the 21st. You see, I had put much thought into this date and I was pretty upset that it had changed. Claire starts school on the 19th so I wanted us to be able to take her the first 2 days. Then have Bree on a Friday, be in the hospital all weekend and get home and get back to normal the following week. As well, the 20th is our nephew Clayton's bday. So I had a mini meltdown in the dr's office, but my Dr is not working that Friday and we may end up changing things a bit, like the time she is born so we can maybe still take Claire to school or Mom can and not miss the birth of Bree. But right now, she is for sure going to be here by the 20th - IN 17 DAYS!! Before I felt like she was going to make an earlier appearance, but I am pretty sure now that she is going to hold out until then. What can I say, my kids like to be dramatic =)!! We are sooooooo ready!!! I feel okay as long as I am just sitting around and not doing much. Once I start going, pushing myself at all, I start feeling terrible and contracting. So, with all the help from my awesome Shane and our family, I am not doing much these days!! We did do so fun things this weekend...
Saturday, Claire and I went and got pedicures! I am looking for a new place. Mom and I went last week to our usual place and they did not do a very good job. Mom and I were both disappointed and decided it was time to go somewhere else. So Claire and I tried a new place this weekend. Funny story - Claire and I were both in our chairs, sitting back, waiting on our pedicures. They started me and I was getting the full Sea Spa Pedicure. I told them that Claire just needed a trim and polish. Being the sweet little Asian women they are, I could not understand the nice lady that was working on Claire. She kept on asking me something and I finally just agreed (after saying, "Excuse me, I am sorry" a dozen times) and nodded my head and said "Ok". Well the next thing I know I look over and Claire is getting exfoliated, a stone massage and warm towel wraps, just like me. I just agreed to have to my 5 year old daughter to have the $35 Sea Spa pedicure!!!! The funny part, Claire was just sitting back, relaxing in her massage chair, LOVING life!!! I have created a monster!!!=) I wish I got a picture, but I too, was soooooo enjoying my pedicure =).
Saturday night, we celebrated Drew's 30th bday with the family. Tara had us all go out to dinner to a great place and then their place for cake. Here are some fun pictures of our fun night!!
Me and my handsome hubs....yes, I do own more than just black tank tops, but cut me some slack, you are lucky I am even in pictures right now =)
Me, Claire, Mom, Tara and Jessica!
Us girls and the lucky birthday boy =)
Claire loves her uncle Drew - Claire has grown up over night and now insists on wearing jewelry everyday and carrying a purse =)
Me and Jessica
Cuties Claire and Jace

Shane and Claire

One of our last pictures of a family of 4...
Nana and her grandbabies (Chad, Jennifer and the boys were in TN)
This was not the most child friendly place so it was quite interesting letting Owen drink from a nice glass, with no lid. Luckily, I had straws in my purse...he thought he was big stuff!!
Have a good week!! I promise I am going to get caught up on every one's blogs!!!
Awe, hang in there and take it easy!
I was thinking that Tara had maybe slipped you sedatives. Glad to know you are okay. It's almost over girlfriend!
It's ok if your schedule gets messed up a bit...Bree is just letting you know she's already making a spot for herself in the Brown household. I don't think she likes her other family members stealing her spotlight. :)
Those Asian pedicurists will try to talk you into amything. My mom and I were getting pedicures last weekend and in walked this woman with a 9 month old baby and a 5 year old. They asked her if she wanted the BABY'S toes done! lol
You look so good and these pictures are so cute!! What fun times! I never heard from you on e-mail, but it sounds like you are doing great! Keep hanging in!
I have missed you! I am pumpd about lunch tomorrow!
Glad you are feeling well, I can hardly wait for Bree!
Great story about Claire at the nail salon. Did you use to go to Cindy's?
OMG, its just around the corner!!!!!!! Wow! I just know all will go great for you!
Oh, and love the pic of Owen and his big boy glass! ...ha!
It was great seeing you this weekend. I had a blast and can't wait for Miss Bree Leighton to get here so we can have some more fun fam nights. If you need anything while Shane is gone or even if he's not gone -give me a call, I'll be here.
Glad to know you are doing well, Rachel. Enjoy these last 17 days, even though I know just how uncomfortable you are! It will be over before you know it.
You and Bree Baby are in our prayers.
I can't believe she's going to be here so soon! We will definitely be keeping you all in our prayers. As for nails...there's a new place across from Krispy Kreme in Bentonville...I went today and was pretty happy with them. Even better...20% off all services right now for their Grand Opening.
I sooooo thought you were having Bree! Soon =) Very soon! I love that Claire is loving to accessorize. SO CUTE!
I had been wondering about you!! Glad things are going good. I'll continue to pray for you guys. And girl, you really do look great! :) Take it easy!!
SORRY! Brian is me!! I forgot to log my brother out of gmail before I left a comment!
gosh i cant believe she is going to be here so soon! I am so excited. Thanks for coming to Drew's bday party, he really appreciated it! : ) And tell Shane thanks for modeling for my post. haha
I miss you guys!!!!!! we need to catch up very soon!!!
OH GOOD LORD! You need to stay OFF your feet the entire time Shane is gone.. you hear me... dont move! Or she will come.
You look awesome girl~
you look GREAT!! i mean beautiful! I can't believe Bree will be here in 16 days-crazy! i know you are so excited!!
i love Claires dress with her name on it! so so cute!
Rachel, you look beautiful!!! Strut it, girl!!! lol I'm so anxious to hear the news that little Bree is here... I am hoping you'll have the chance to keep us updated as you go along. I'm sitting on pins and needles wondering when you're going to go into labor... I think about you at least daily now. I pray that all goes well. Stay off your feet and rest up... you're gonna need all the energy you can muster w/ those late night feedings!! =)
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