So the long awaited discussion came recently that I was avoiding...telling Claire that we were not going to the beach this summer. You see, Claire is OBSESSED with the beach. We took her for the first time last year to Gulf Shores and she had the time of her life. I am not exaggerating when I tell you that very few days go by when she does not ask "How much longer until we go to the beach?" or "Mama, wasn't the beach so much fun, I LOVE THE BEACH!". We had planned to make it an annual event with all of the family every summer. We had even booked our beach house and everything for this year...then I had the pregnancy complications and Dr. Hannah asked that I stay close until Bree is born to be safe. So after, me trying to convince the family to go without me or at least take Claire, we cancelled the trip, looking forward to next year when we have a chubby little 11 month old sweetie to take with us too=).
So, here is how the convo went :
Claire: "Mama, how many more days until we go to the beach?"
Mama: "Well, there is going to be many more days, we are not going this year."
Claire, tearing up: "Why?"
Mama: "Because I am pregnant with your little sister and the Dr. does not want me to go to the beach."
Claire: "Because you will be too fat to get in a swimsuit?"
I choked on my Diet Coke, tried to explain to her the real reasons, but I think she was set on the bathing suit issues. =) Oh well, at least now she is accepting the plan for next year.
Life Lately: Week 2
6 days ago
LOL! OMG, Claire! Where do you get these ideas? Next year when you guys go to the beach, Miss Bree will be with you! (just make sure she doesn't eat the sand like mine did! HAHA!)
LOL, I was dying laughing! Kids say the funniest things!
From the mouths of babes...
That is hilarious!
HAHAHAHA!!!! OMG that is too funny. I just adore her and don't even know her. So this is what I have to look forward to?! Just GREEEAT.
haha oh goodness!!! that lil lady!
Oh my gosh, she is hilarious!!! I would have loved to have been there for that one! Haha
Ps drew died laughing when I told him. He thinks she is the funniest person alive :)
How funny:) I love the beach and the pool but I doubt I will attempt it this year. I feel like a beached whale:)
i'm with claire. we're not going this year ethir :(
Love it!
Maybe we can all go to the lake this summer...the kiddos would have a blast!
Haha! Oh how funny is she!!
OH my! That is just too funny!
Oh my will say the darndest things!!! ugghhh I remember wearing a bathing suit while preggo - I think it's so cute to see a pregnant women in a bathing suit!!
Omigosh! That is so funny! Aren't you so glad you are using your blog to record all of the funny things you kids say and do! You need to print these out and save them forever!
ha ha ha ha ha! I laughed out loud and think that's hilarious! I bet a lot of people could use that as their included, some summers. Let me tell you though, I went to the beach when I was 7 mos. preggo with Elyn and I literally felt like a beached whale. I wish I could burn all the pics from that vacay!
that is hilarious :) haha!! she is so cute!
HAHAHAHHAA I laughed outloud. Claire cracks me up!
THat is hilarious! Oh my that story!
Hi! I am a blog/old high school friend of Lane. I love reading your blog. I was cracking up with the whole conversation between you and your daughter. Keep up the good blogging and congratulations on baby number three!
haha, that's hilarious!! we can't go this summer either! i feel so bad for BabyBoy, maybe we'll still try and hope i don't go into labor...=)
Only our Claire!! Somebody should be writing a book of Claireisms, it would be a bestseller....
HOW FUNNY!! LOVE IT! She is such a doll!
Holy Crap!! No she didnt!! Oh bless her heart and yours!
Oh Claire! lol.
BAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!!!!! She is never at a loss for words is she?! I'm glad that she is willing to wait. She is such a stinkin' doll in her two piece and sunglasses!
I can hardly type this for laughing. What will she say next? She truly is hilarious!
LOLOLOL, yep, that's why you don't see ME at the beach!! HAHAHAHAHA
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