The scene: Me and Claire on our way to preschool this morning. We woke up late this morning, Claire and I fought over what she was going to wear, Owen ran around half naked the entire time and Mama was nauseous the whole time trying to keep down the plain waffle she had for breakfast. Good times. We quickly get in the car, I make 3 different trips inside to get the many different things we were forgetting including her coat as it was 14 degrees.
So by the time we were on the road, the car was silent except for the Brittney Spears CD playing. You see, I only get to listen to music in the car when Owen is not riding. He insists on watching "Little Giants" for the gazillionth time on the TVs in the van. Claire could care less, and she was pretty much pissed this morning anyway as she had on the dress that she DID NOT want to wear.
I am half way to school and we are listening to "Radar", I start feeling like a bad Mom (and the nausea started to subside, so I became Rachel again, rather than the Pregnant Monster). I looked back and Claire looked completely bored and zoned out as we were not talking. So I turned the music way down...
Mama: "Claire, are you ready for school today? Are you going to be good and learn your new letter today?"
Claire: "Yes Mom. Would you please turn the music back up? I am trying to learn the words to this song."
She was not zoned out she was zoning in on learning the song. Let's just hope she did not sing this all day at school...
Owen found a paint pen last week. Did you know that paint pens will not wash off? I didn' least not off O. Below are pics of him after the incident...sorry he is in pjs =).
Have a good week!!! Entering 6 weeks tomorrow!
Life Lately: Week 2
6 days ago
hope you are feeling well..your kids are so funn!
I live in Tulsa and I got the earring holders at Marshall's. I believe it is the same company as TJ Maxx.
I hope you start feeling better!!!
And I was literally laughing out loud at my desk at the pictures of owen! he is so cute!!
Don't feel too terribly bad. You are not alone in the world of five year olds singing Britany Spears! :) Natalie got Circus for Christmas from her Mimi and has now dubbed her favorite song... MMM Papi! So as she dances down the side walk, (with her sassy litte strut) at Kindergarten she sings... "oh papi love you, oh papi love you!" using Britanys breathy voice!
LOL I can vouch for Natalie's singing Britney!! ha ha We can't really listen to the CD in the car because when it's on, Nat is singing at the top of her lungs. lol
That is hilarious that she was trying to learn the words vs. zoning out. ha ha And O with the paint pen - that child is a big ol' cute mess. LOL
Hope your tummy feels better soon - that morning sickness is FOR THE BIRDS!!!!!!!!! =S
That is hilarious! I think she looked adorable today!
Hope you feel better!! Blah!
Such precious kids!!
yuckers...preggo sickness is the worst!! hope u feel better soon. And why is it they always write on themselves and the walls?
congratulations! I didnt realize you were expecting! im behind in the blog world. I understand what you mean regarding pregnant monster/vs good mom. UGH the battle doesnt end!!!
I really feel bad for the morning sickness part of sister was miserable with that. It will pass soon, I hope!
Haha! Claire is so smart and too cute. I love the picture of her with the hat on.
Haha! Owen. How long is that paint going to last??
Rachel- Chad and I are so excited that you guys are pregnant again! How much fun!!! I can't believe you are 6 weeks, exciting!!! I am not going to be able to make it to KQ tomorrow so lets plan a time to get together and catch up maybe someday for lunch? I am free whenever.. just let me know!
I'm so laughing! Both stories are great and I'm sure you aren't Pregnant Monster, only feel like it! :-)
That is hysterical that she was trying to learn the words to the song! She seems so so sweet and sassy! : )
I have never laughed so hard. Cute pictures! I hope you have a better day tomorrow!
How funny is Owen with the paint??? Kinley looks like that frequently, but it's toothpaste! This morning Keira was pissy because she didn't like MY shirt. She is way to young to be doing this to me!!
that is too cute her learning the words to the song. love that. congratulations on baby! so exciting! hope you are feeling good.
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