Okay - I have some blogging to do!
Thanks Amy - I LOVE your blog so much!!! I look forward to reading your posts everyday!! You are truly an inspiration to so many women in blogger world!!
First - Sweet Sister Tara awarded me her very own award, "The Fabulous Award"!

1. Must live in the south or be born in the south!
2. Must live life in the fabulous lane
3. Must treat others with respect and class
4. Must love kids!
5. Must be a fashionista!
6. Must love their family!
2. Must live life in the fabulous lane
3. Must treat others with respect and class
4. Must love kids!
5. Must be a fashionista!
6. Must love their family!
Thanks Tara!! You are the most fabulous woman I know and I love you for it!!! I am going to award this to only one sweet southern blogger since we are all pretty much linked.....Hollie at All Things in Moddy! When I thought about Southern and Fabulous - Hollie came to mind...she is a busy girl, wonderfully southern, and gorgeous!! Check her out; she is great and a funny blogger!! Congrats Hollie - pass it on!!!
Second - Amy at Chapters awarded me the "I Love Your Blog" award!!

I wanted to give this award to one of my favorite blogs that I just recently started reading and now heart =)! Shannon at More Wine Please is hilarious and gorgeous!! She has two adorable girls and I love to read her stories about them. You should also go see all of her awesome photography!! If you have not checked her out - you totally should!!!
Finally - Hollie at All Things in Moddy started this fun post about posting a picture of yourself RIGHT NOW!! We all try to get our best shots in our posts and NEVER post a bad one =)! Well she challenged us all to post a picture of yourself as we are currently at the computer. Me, I do most of my blogging at night, after a long day of our life. Of course she looked awesome at 530 in the morning, fresh off her run, BLAH (I kid Hollie =)).
So here goes....RIGHT NOW at the Brown's.....
Here I am working at the computer....long day started with meetings first thing this morning after dropping Claire off at SonShine School, lunch with Tara, Mom, and Owen, picking up Claire, 2 conference calls this afternoon, 4 reports, going by Fedex, leftovers for dinner, Claire's gymnastics...and now home!! Barely any make up, sunglasses still on head...this is me!

Miss Claire -just home from Gymnastics, still in leotard...waiting on Daddy with some cold medicine as she is not feeling too great...but still a pretty girl!!
O-man - Eating ice cream and a hamburger bun! This is the perfect example of my Owen!!
Cooper Pug - Fresh from his grooming - Isn't he handsome!!?? Can you smell his doggy cologne?? He smells sooooo much better!!!
Shane and Oscar (and Owen) - Always playing around at night - Oscar loves Shane! Where are O's pants??...wrapped around Oscar =)!! Love my boys!!
Good night!! Have a wonderful Thursday!!! Almost FRIDAY!!!!!!

Ok, you look gorgeous! Super cute pics of the entire family "as is" :) Cute! Beautiful and fun pics!
So fun! That is such a good picture of you! :)
Ok, what's crackin me up is look at all the loose skin under Cooper's collar that used to be his fat rolls! He looks so good now!!!
Cute, cute pics!!
Love that Owen's pants are wrapped around the dog! That cracked me up!!! Crazy boys! =)
Even after a busy day such as yours, you are still pretty! :) Not fair. LOL!
I need to get a dog for my boys...the cats don't like to wrestle much. HAHAHAHA!
You look great! I hope Claire feels better! She looks darling in her outfit! I love the picture of Owen eating ice cream! Priceless!
very cute!!!
You always look awesome, not surprised!!!
like I always say.. You do so much and look fabulous doing it. Your boys are a mess.
You look great! Owen makes me smile. What a character!
You look great. Actually that's a really good picture of you!!!
Aw, thank you for your sweet words! The "Me, Right Now" pic is SO cute!!!
Holy COW!! I thought I commented on here! Thanks for the award sweet lady... and I dont care what you say, your right now pics looks FAB!!
You look cute as ever, like always!! And THANKS SO MUCH for the award... I LOVE your blog too! Your fam is always having fun and I wish I could hang with ya'll!!!
You all look so cute when you are caught off-guard. At the end of my nights, I am in "play clothes" covered in dog slobber and hair. Yuck. I am not so glamerous at night. Haha! Owen.....what a mess. I could just eat him up!
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