Friday, July 27, 2012

Friday Randoms

Happy Friday!!  It's been a crazy week with my traveling and such.  So much to catch up on so let's go!

Lots of new posts up on Suburban Strut!! Go check it out!!  Especially my deep one here :)!

Nicole had her bridal portraits made at Shane's office last week and we got to come watch! They are going to be GORGEOUS!  The girls were so excited to hold the bouquet :)..
 Shane was a good BIL and hauled the dress and props :)
 Bree was bit by a mosquito on the very corner of her eye and it caused her eye to swell up and red :(.  We went to the Dr and she was okay but it was so sad :(
 Tara and Drew moved into their new gorgeous home!!! We were all so excited :)
 Shane and I got a date-day and saw Batman!
 Claire went to the see the new Katy Perry movie with her buds :)...
 When I landed after my trip, I was annoyed with Shane for stupid reasons while I was waiting at baggage claim.  I looked over and saw this couple. He is in the army and was on my flight, just got home. His wife met him at the airport, look gorgeous and was thrilled to see him.  They could not keep their hands off each other and I felt like a big brat. I am lucky I even get to text my husband...she just wants to keep her's home. That was a big dose of perspective for me that night.
 Bree modeling my favorite necklace :)
 Owen was not feeling well yesterday so I stayed home...he was still smiling though :)
 Bree went with me to the dance moms dinner last night - she is my little shadow most days...especially after I have had to travel for work :)
Have a great weekend!!!!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Busy Days

Life has been busy lately. I really had no idea how fun Suburban Strut would be and how much time I would be spending on it!  I always felt like my dream job that I missed was to teach little girls to dance or be a high school pom coach.  I have realized lately that if I was to take a leap of faith and do what I love, it would be to be a full time blogger on Suburban Strut.  I really love writing and it is my dream to help other women like me feel better and smile bigger :). Maybe one day...but for now, I will just stay up late and write :)...

What better way to see what we have been up to than a bunch of pics!

I got to go to lunch with my girl Boni last week!

 Claire "styled" Owen and Bree one night last week - don't they look great :)
 I went to a surprise party for Kristen last Friday - fun time!

 Ruby is doing well and cuter than ever!
 Bree is a mess - every single time I tell her to smile for a picture - I get this face :)))
 Tara and Drew officially own a house 5 minutes from us!!!  Here we are celebrating!
 I am the best wife ever - here is what I got Shane for our anniversary...
 Last night was Nicole's bridal portraits.  The girls were SO excited to hold the bouquet :)
Have a great night!!  Over on Suburban Strut there are a couple necklace posts, how I wore a denim shirt and more on my favorite skinnies!!!

Monday, July 16, 2012


This weekend, Shane and I celebrated our 11 year anniversary!  It was Saturday.  We dropped off the kids off at Nonna and Poppy's early afternoon and picked them up the next morning.  We lunched, we shopped, we napped, we had a late dinner and a nightcap.  It was absolutely fabulous.  I love my Shane so much and time has flown!  We were such babies when we got married...

When I think about my kids getting married at 20 and 21, I have a mini panic attack :).  We were young and happy and the Lord took good care of us :).  I think we look better today :).

Hope y'all had a great weekend!!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Stinky Bird and Tattoos

Need a laugh on this glorious Tuesday (sarcasm font)??

So last night, the kids were playing outside in the backyard when Owen comes in and announces "We found a dead bird!".  Shane says "Did you touch it?! Go wash your hands?".  He gets up to go see what in the world they are doing with said deceased bird. Shane goes outside to find that the dead bird is in a bucket full of water where the kids were bathing it because "it stunk".

After a thorough cleaning, the kids were sent upstairs to bed and all was well.

Later I hear the sink running in the bathroom upstairs and tell Shane to check on them (I could not of course because I had just spray tanned and could not get my bronzed skin wet for 12 hours :)).  He walks into the bathroom to find Owen standing there with his back to door, getting his booty cheeks wiped by Claire where  "Owen" was tattoo-ed across his booty with black eyeliner.  Shane catches their attention causing Owen to turn around and Shane sees he has a drawn on black mustache as well...

Never a dull moment I tell ya....and yes I will tell the second story until the day I die and plan on embarrassing them in front of future boy/girl friends forever with it.

Now the only question is where in the world did Claire see to tattoo a name across one's buttocks :)...???

Monday, July 9, 2012

Red, White, and the BEACH

We just got back from our beach vacation to the Destin for Claire's Dance Nationals competition!  We had so much fun and I have many pics to share!  First - I cannot forget the 4th of July festivities

We were gone on the 4th, so we wanted to make sure and spend time with the fam before we left - so we all went to the Fireworks at the Crosses and dinner!

 Then we left on Tuesday for the beach!

 4th of July with friends!

 Dance competition fun!

 One last day at the beach...

 Homeward bound!
I am exhausted today!  So thankful for my happy family!