Some new things to know:
1. It is WAAAAAY past the point of your child needing to be potty trained when he says "STOP IT" and points his finger at you when you ask him for the 10th time "Do you need to go potty?"
2. It is adorable when your 9 month old is "Chunky"...not so cute when your 6 year old says "Mama, you are chunky like Bree!" Even better when she says it loudly in the dressing room in Dillards for all to here :)
3. Make sure and always keep Bree's car seat cleaned out. Not good when she is found eating dried out grilled cheese and french fries left over from who knows when while sitting in her seat (note: pharmacy drive thrus are not a great place for Bree, mad as hell when pulling out and no food!)
4. Nothing Owen says is least that is what all are told if he even thinks we are laughing at him. Do not laugh.
5. Work more with Owen on his church songs...he was running around the house yesterday chanting "GO GET JESUS! GO GET JESUS! GO GET JESUS!". I could be wrong, but I think he got that one wrong :)!
6. Sometimes Claire's stories about things that happened at school are really just dreams she had. Good to know just before you hit send on the email to her teacher referring to said story...most current one included a classmate stealing and burying Claire's scissors outside at recess...
7. I hate the show Family Guy. Men love it. For some reason that makes me absolutely furious.
8. We are only going to be on vacation for 10 days (4 days traveling). The girls do not need 18 dresses a piece. That one was hard to type :)...
9. I hate Jillian Michaels. Seriously, if I hear her voice one more time I may lose it. The Shred is not my video of choice anymore. Who am I kidding? My video of choice these days is Toy Story.
10. Cleaningmakesmeillitis is not getting any better (getting a housekeeper as soon as we get back from vacay!!)...unfortunately I have been plagued now with "DiapersStinkobia" and "Cookingisforthebirds-eisia". I have been having side effects from "Bathingsuitsarethedevil-oma" but I found the cure to be a hefty dose of sand and a frozen drink with an umbrella :)!
Another day living the good life HA!!!
Life Lately: Week 7
4 days ago
hahahaha! this really made me giggle! love it!
this was so great! I love the list! And sand and frozen drinks can make anyone forget any worries!
hahahahhaha SO funny. I so read all those to drew. Good times for sure!
I died reading these! Hilarious. So many in common! I was just in Dillards contemplating a 6th bathing suit for Mallory. Seriously, she can't even swim.- Amy
you crack me up! This might be one of my fav posts ever. I'm seriously still LOL about #3!!!
come move to TX!
So funny! I feel the same way about a lot those things! And seriously the thought of doing the shred makes me want to cry. I did feel good after a few weeks last summer. WHY did I stop??? Now I can't make myself get back on the work-out wagon. :(
Have fun on your vaycay! We left GS just in time I think. We could smell the oil on our last day. So sad. :(
Absolutely hilarious! We suffer from so many of the same "illnesses!" HA!!!
I got a housekeeper and I was the happiest I had been in a long time. The only problem now is that I have to clean before she comes so that she can actually clean! So right now I have my hubby folding laundry, don't ask me how I got him to do that.
This list is so funny! I love it. The things that kids say. I can't wait for mine to talk!
LOL...too cute! I am all about the frozen drink and umbrella...MMMM! :)
This was a funny one. I heart #3. Bree hates pharmacy drive thrus - that cracks me up!!!
Our Lorelai was just like your Owen when she was little. If anybody laughed at something she said or did, she pitched one ever loving hissy fit. Then she went through a phase where she got made if somebody said she was cute. If I said an outfit was cute she would refuse to try it on. Who knows what she thought "cute" meant
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