Woke up this morning to Owen playing in his room, just as happy as can be. I let him play as I got up some energy to actually
get out of bed =). I finally made it upstairs to get him up.....only to find him, completely naked except for a Razorback football helmet, sitting on his bed, playing with a certain boy body part!! He looked up at me, grinned and said "Morning Mama!" I laughed scooped him up and then realized, I don't see his diaper?? Asked him and he proceeded to show me that he shoved it between the bed and the wall...in a very small space that took me FOREVER to pry out....
Have a good day - I got a feeling mine will be a
ha ha boys!!! my son will do the same thing!!!!!!
LOL, Oh no, Rachel!!! Well, at least it wasn't a DIRTY diaper!!!!
hahaha thats pretty funny : ) I will come over and help with the chaos : )
Oh goodness! The thing is the day isn't even started good.
That is hilarious!
How funny! Owen is a little toot!! Good luck with the rest of the day :)
yeah i am DEFINITELY not ready for kids haha!! Oh Owen...too funny
YIKES!!!! Naked with a helmet.. must share with hubby~
Boys will be boys! Ha!
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