The kids gourmet breakfast for V-day - Owen told me I was the best cooker ever!
My three sweeties at Nonna and Poppy's house for our family v-day dinner :)
Shane does not think men should receive gifts on valentines day so I always have to sneak something in before the acutal day. This was his gift one night after the kids were down :)
Bree loving Nonna's fancy pink drinks at dinner :)
Claire and Owen's Valentines for their classmates - Pinterest for the win!!!
Valentine PJs!! Well, Owen's were not really, but he liked these much better :)
Shane's gift to me :) - he knows me too well :)
Us on Valentine's Day - He proposed on Valentine's Day 12 years ago :)
Owen before he went to school for his v-day party. Remember that meltdown I mentioned? Well that was this day. Claire had a dance competition so we had to leave town that morning and not only had to miss her party but, I had to miss Owen's. I may have cried after he left for school with his Daddy. He has a good Daddy that came to his party :)
Bree decided one night she was going to sleep in her bed. Glad I did not hold my breath. DID NOT HAPPEN. But it made for a cute pic :)
Fat Tuesday! I picked up King cake and beads at Copelands and we had our own mardi gras :)
Like I said, we have been traveling quite a bit. I went to Laguna Beach, CA. I was not too sad :)
Shane had to travel the same week and Mom and Jake had to watch the three musketeers. Mom sent me this pic the morning I was boarding a plane to come home. My little love bugs!
And we were reunited!!!
This weekend, Shane and I even got a date night!!