Monday, June 10, 2013

Mama's Day

It's catch up time!!! So many wonderful and fabulous things have been happening with our family that I HAVE to get caught up so I never forget these absolutely wonderful days!!!!  So, let's reminisce over the last few days, shall we?!

Mother's Day weekend was wonderful!! 
It started the Thursday before when Owen's class put on a Mother's Day Program and Tea. It was the sweetest thing ever and I boo hoo-ed the entire time.  It was the best way to start the weekend of Mother's Day :).

If you read Suburban Strut, you know that I wanted a nice, relaxing weekend that including Shane and the kiddos planting flowers for me in the front and back yard.  The kids brought home all kinds of goodies from school for me as well.  My office has never looked better with all their art work and cards :).  Saturday night the kids made me dinner...taquitos, cheese dip and watermelon :)

Sunday was a great day - started with breakfast in bed :) We spent the day going to church and with the family.  Perfect :)

I am definitely one blessed mama!

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